First Prize winner, Sandra Lalopoulos' portrait

2024 Dungog Archies Results

The Dungog Archies opened on the 28th of March at The Royal Hotel Dungog Function Room, and stays open til 7th April (10am-2pm). Judge, Jo Chisolm-Ray presented awards to the prizewinners at the opening. Congratulations to the prize winners and all the entrants- it is a diverse and fascinating show. Read more…

Cardboard Sculptures Workshop with Syann WIlliams, 17 Feb, 2024- Dungog Arts Society

Cardboard Sculptures Workshop

Dungog Arts Society’s first workshop for 2024- Cardboard Sculptures with Syann Williams- was held on Saturday, 17th February. By all accounts, participants had an enjoyable time making their sculptures and practicing some creative techniques with unusual and interesting media. The next DAS workshop will be Watercolour Animals with Sharon Barker, Read more…