Dr David Gillespie Presents Grant for Volunteers

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Dungog Art Society (DAS) is the recipient of a Federal grant to support the work of their volunteers.

Dr. David Gillespie MP, with his assistant Alison, today visited DAS to award the grant.

Councillor Michael Dowling, Volunteers Wenny and Paul Robson, Treasurer Ruth Dircks, Membership Secretary Marilyn Rudak, Curator Gaye Shield, Secretary Lorraine Wiseman and Website Admin Lisa Wiseman had a most enjoyable afternoon, with Dr Gillespie and Alison taking a keen interest in the work of our artists.

The highly sought after grant will assist volunteers to maintain a high standard of presentation of works in the gallery. In addition, it will enable tasks such as dissemination of information to new members and volunteers,  and the promotion of DAS activities such as workshops and exhibitions.


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