2024 Annual Exhibition dates announced
Dungog Arts Society Inc is excited to announce our Annual Exhibition for 2024. This will also be our first, three-month-long, themed exhibition. The exhibition theme is ‘The Tops’. Presenting works inspired by the theme is optional, but there will be a prize for the best entry related to the theme.
Please join us on at 6.30pm, Friday 4 October for the opening of the exhibition, with live entertainment by performing artists (to be announced).
There will be a prize for the best entry related to the theme, ‘The Tops’.
There will also be prizes in the Adult Visual Art and Craft Sections for Novice and Local entries.
The categories within the Adult Visual Art Section are: Open, Photography, 3D and Fibre.
The categories within the Adult Craft Section are: Textile, Ceramic, Wood and Other.
The categories within both the Youth and Junior Visual Art and Craft Sections are Open.
There are also upcoming opportunities for Performing Artists to showcase their talents and skills, compete, and perform at events including the exhibition opening. Watch our News and Events page for more info.
The exhibition’s closing event is to be held on 3 January 2025.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please visit our Contact details page, email, or use the form below.