
Coil Making Workshop- February 26. 2025

Flip La K Flying Geese Patchwork– March 8, 2025

 Coil Making Ceramic Workshop with Pilar Paterson

Hand Building workshop with Pilar Paterson

Wednesday 26 February, 2025

3 hours 9am-12pm

$85 members
$95 non members

Introduction to handbuilding with coil making, suited to all skill levels.
The participants will be guided step by step by a ceramist in how to create a coil vessel. Self expression will be encouraged in a friendly and relaxed environment. The works will be bisque, glazed and ready in 3 weeks. Covers clay, glazing, kiln fire, the use of tools.
Clarence Town Senior Citizens Day Care Centre Inc,
Aged Care Services & Homes,
124 Prince St,
Clarence Town,
NSW 2321
Teacher Bio:
Pilar lives in Clarence Town. Completed the Diploma of Ceramics at Newcastle Art School Tafe in 2020 since then she has been creating handbuild and wheel work ceramics exhibiting in DAS and NSP. She studied Fine Arts 1986-89 at University Complutense in Madrid and completed Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts 2019 at Newcastle Art School Tafe.

Limit 8 participants.

      Flip La K Flying Geese Patchwork

      Saturday 8th March 2025, 9.30am-3.30pm

      Love using flying geese in your Patchwork? Do you want your flying geese blocks to have perfect points?
      Why print the template patterns for flying geese when the FLip la K template makes it so much easier, with less waste?

      Geese and Butterflies and Random Geese, awesome blocks with perfect points!

      Geese in a Row, versatile template, could be used for blocks, borders, pinwheels or wow factor.

      Members $45
      Non Members $60

      Class size: up to 16 persons

      A complete list of supplies will be provided after registration. These include sewing machine, threads, cutting mat and 28mm rotary cutter.

      Brenda will have some beautiful fabrics available for anyone wanting additional colours.

      Teacher Bio:
      Brenda lives in Dungog Shire. She has been designing and manufacturing patchwork, applique and reverse applique templates for around 10 years. She exhibits at craft shows, and runs workshops Australia wide. Her workshop tours to Bali include visits to batik factories where participants design and make their own batik to use in their quilts.

      The Uniting Church Hall behind the Uniting Church at 246 Dowling Street, Dungog.

      To book, or for more information, please email

      Free Flip La K Workshop at Dungog Arts Society Inc

      Return to list of workshops

      Cancellations by Students:

      • Cancellations made 2 or more weeks prior to a booked workshop date will receive a full refund.
      • Cancellations made within 7-13 days prior to a booked workshop date will be refunded 50% of the workshop cost.
      • Cancellations made within 6 days of a booked workshop date will not receive a refund.

      Cancellation by Dungog Art Society:

      • A workshop may be cancelled by DAS due to insufficient student numbers or unforeseen circumstances. In this event, you will be offered a full refund.

      If you would like more information about Dungog Arts Society or our workshops for 2024, please email us, follow this link to our contact page or the use form below.